We’ve all been in tough situations. Regardless of whether you were in the ‘talking stage’ or a full-blown relationship, letting go is hard. How do you get over someone who you used to constantly talk to, interact with, and think of? How do you get over someone who had that big of an impact on you? Letting go is hard, so don’t make it harder.
For more advice, we also have articles on Dating as a Single Parent and Dating Stories

1 – Acceptance
If you are going to get over someone, you need to accept it is over at all. You may still have feelings about the relationship, but we have to accept that those feelings do not mean the relationship can or should continue. Take your time to grieve these emotions, accept them, and let them fall where they belong, in your past.
2 – Focus on Yourself
You are the most important person in your life. Let’s say it again. YOU are the most important person in your life. Are you treating the most important person in your life the way they deserve? Invest in self-care and practice self-compassion. Take some time to meditate on what your goals are now, both alone and for potential relationships.
4 – Manifest Gratitude
Every relationship – failed or not, presents us with a learning opportunity. Be grateful for all the learning opportunities life has handed you. Look over the relationship you are leaving behind. What did you learn? About yourself, your boundaries, and what you can do in the future to set yourself up for success. Allow this gratitude to guide you on your future journey towards love.
3 – Be Excited
You have a whole host of options on how to move forward. Getting over someone is a hard and long process, but it opens you up to a world of opportunity. This time will allow you to try new things and see new people. Re-evaluate your dating strategy and set your sights on love and what relationships you value going forward.